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バンダイ(BANDAI) すみっコぐらし ニコニコピック 6本入(6種類×1本)


バンダイ(BANDAI) すみっコぐらし ニコニコピック 6本入(6種類×1本)


●入数 6本入(6種各1本)
●商品サイズ ねこ:約39.5×15.6×19.8
●材質 ABS樹脂
●耐熱温度 70℃


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営業日の 午前11時 までのご注文は当日出荷いたします ※在庫がある商品に限ります

バンダイ(BANDAI) すみっコぐらし ニコニコピック 6本入(6種類×1本)

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This chair is absolutely terrible, the worst quality chair I have ever purchased. If you are considering buying this, don't. The company doesn't care either - ?"Milestone International Japan" directly to try to fix the issue, and they didn't even bother replying. I gave them over a month to reply since the pandemic has slowed everyone down. They couldn't be bothered to even send a courtesy email reply. You shouldn't have to chase down a company to fix a problem this bad.The chair's fabric is so thin and of poor quality, just sitting on it normally will make it tear apart. Even parts you don't sit on and don't make contact with will tear apart, as you can see in the photos. The terrible paper like fabric on the back support beam just started forming a hole - you don't touch this part of the chair in any way so this is impressive in itself.The photo where it's ripped all the way across and with exposed stuffing hanging, that is the underside of the leg rest that you don't even touch. It simply tore because I utilized the reclining function - the reclining function it is advertised for and built to do.The entire product is just designed extremely poorly. I received this product in May, by June it was tearing and ripping apart. I should have returned it then and there. It got worse and worse, and by September, just 4 months later, the fabric is completely torn all over the chair. This is by far the worst chair I have ever bought in my entire life.If you're looking for a gaming chair, buy Dowinx or some other company that cares about their customer and actually replies when you have a problem. I had a Dowinx chair before, but I was interested in this because it was more like a sofa. Big mistake. Bad quality and this seller and company doesn't care about their customers. They just take your money and sell you crap. Seriously, any other company is better than this. This is way too overpriced to be this poor quality. Almost $300 / 30,000 yen for this terribly made chair. I don't even understand how you can make something this bad, they must have purposely tried to make it this bad lol. There's just no way - I have gone through a few gaming chairs that last at the least 2 years, most last a good 3-5 years. This chair will last you about 1 month.There's no way these positive reviews are real. Don't be fooled.Stay away from this terrible chair and terrible customer service!!!

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