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大東製作所 消火器設置台 DS-1000BL  ブラック  L型ロングタイプ 消火器ボックス


大東製作所 消火器設置台 DS-1000BL  ブラック  L型ロングタイプ 消火器ボックス


材質 : スチールt1.2

カラー : 6色 (アイボリー、ブラック、ホワイト、白ミカゲ調、黒ミカゲ調、赤ミカゲ調)

大東製作所 消火器設置台 DS-1000BL  ブラック  L型ロングタイプ 消火器ボックス

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I was so very excited to get this item as GoPro is the industry leading standard when it comes to action wearables. I didn't mind the high price tag because I believed in the name "GoPro" however I was disheartened and furious after making this purchase. I even went out and bought the expensive extra GoPro accessories because I was "sure" that I was going to throughly enjoy this device. First of all; let me state that the "camera" function as in taking photos and videos is (fantastic)! Extremely clear and crisp high definition photos as well as prestine 5K video which you would expect with the hefty price tag so I guess that should go without saying, however the app that once ran "beautifully" on Android was updated and now it's one of the "worst" apps on the market. GoPro went from quality to making more money and it shows as their app primarily now focuses on add-ons and such while the app is abysmal to say the utmost very least so transferring and editing those "beautiful and prestine" images is like pulling teeth and the fun doesn't stop there as the software for MacBook is the absolute worst! Extremely poor functionality and connectivity on that part, plus the Webcam feature is an "epic" failure. One of the accessories I bought was the selfie tripod which I was so excited to use for my net meeting but ended up casting aside with the defective camera as my client could not see or hear me... The cameras voice activation settings seemed so cool in theory but I found myself "yelling" at the camera a lot of the times to get it to catch my voice.. I had issues with the power function and the camera wouldn't turn off so it stayed in a standby state for over 30 minutes trying to turn itself off during which time it began to overheat and I ultimately had to just take the battery out losing data in the process. The USB door that came bundled with the camera is a joke and I almost tore my fingernail from the skin trying to get the door off.. I contacted Amazon who in turn told me to contact GoPro who in turn told me to contact GoPro technical support so that was an enjoyable experience. The staff was friendly as I guess they have to be. I decided to give GoPro another try and did a factory reset as suggested which did absolutely "nothing" and when I reached back out to support to inform them I didn't get a reply and had to send another request to reach someone who suggested I try replacing the device with a new one.. Which has yet to arrive. As the time for a refund has now passed and I'm stuck with my device and the multiple accessories I purchased I can't help but feel "tricked".. As a customer I would expect so much more from a maker like GoPro however unfortunately that wasn't the case and if I were to be asked if I'd recommend one to a friend I'd have to say "most definitely not." there are other cameras on the market worth looking into which may not be as "pretty" as GoPro Hero 9 Black but probably actually function better and for a fraction of the price.. Buyer beware...

楽天市場】大東製作所 消火器設置台 DS-1000BL-GR 黒御影調 L型ロングタイプ 消火器ボックス : IBELL アイベル楽天市場】大東製作所 消火器設置台 DS-1000BL-GR 黒御影調 L型ロングタイプ 消火器ボックス : IBELL アイベル
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ぎぃ 4

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