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  5. 菊水 白 スマート パウチ
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菊水 白 スマート パウチ


菊水 白 スマート パウチ

菊水 白 スマート パウチ


菊水 白 スマート パウチ

ドレス コクーンスリーブレースタイトドレス タックルボックス メイホウ ランガンシステム VS-7080N×ロッドスタンド BM-250 Light お得な3セット クリアオレンジ×ブラック
うずら 5

新潟県 菊水 白 (日本酒) 価格比較 - 価格.com新潟県 菊水 白 (日本酒) 価格比較 - 価格.com
無水エタノール 100ml(掃除)
宅飲み・アウトドア飲みの革命!日本酒「菊水」のスマートパウチが最高すぎる件 - 1分気付き見える化ブログ宅飲み・アウトドア飲みの革命!日本酒「菊水」のスマートパウチが最高すぎる件 - 1分気付き見える化ブログ
有名なブランド 白 スマートパウチ1500mlx2本 新潟県 菊水 日本酒有名なブランド 白 スマートパウチ1500mlx2本 新潟県 菊水 日本酒
Chris 3
This soldering station is one of the many ATTEN clones out there. This specific station is a variant of the 8898, and nearly identical stations are available also on aliexpress, banggood, often under a JCD brand label. I bought this station to do some BGA rework in combination with wave-soldering w/reflow oven. After using/(trying to use) it for the first time, I returned the unit as it is unsuitable for electronics soldering, let alone SMD working.The unit looks exactly like on the picture, and the build quality seems reasonable for the price point. None of the unit feels particularly flimsy, and non feels in any way grand. The only issue I noticed is that the cable-bend-guard on the soldering iron is a bit loose, and allows the cable to bend quite steeply from the soldering iron. The reason is that the bend-guard on the soldering iron inside is really short, so there is not much keeping it attached to the handle of the iron.When turning on the soldering station and setting it up, I noticed the soldering iron had a hard time reaching temperature. At first I had set it to 300C until the station indicated that it had reached temperature. There is a little flashing dot in the bottom-right corner of the temperature setting LCDs to indicate that the station has reached temperature. However, turns out it did not take on solder, neither leaded nor unleaded nor solder paste (which should begin to melt at around 250C...). I gradually increased the temperature until it would finally melt solder, but that was only when I set the unit to approximately 400C... for leaded solder!During operation, the heat-gun turned on at random at least twice, I am not sure why that was. It was sitting safely in its holder/bay, and I did not touch it. Probably some bad contact. It could also not be turned off anymore. After power-cycling the device itself, the heat-gun behaved normally again. Strange.After finishing the solder job at hand with insane temperatures, I let the unit cool down and measured temperatures with a multimeter+thermocouple. Here are some measurements:200C setting => ~140C soldering iron temperature250C setting => ~180C soldering iron temperature400C setting => ~280C soldering iron temperature450C maximum setting => 330 to 350C with severe fluctuations, it is clear that the unit can't heat to this point.There seems to be no temperature calibration function on this units, at least non that is usable. I write usable, because you can actually use the Atten 8586 SETTING+UP arrow button combination, and the unit will actually change its indicator LCD and try to write CAL, I think, however, that is immediately overwritten by the temperature display. So, you can not calibrate this unit. However, that is no issue here, as as far as I know you could only calibrate Atten-versions to to +50 and -50C offsets. With this unit here, the temperature is off by more than 100C at high temperatures, and the temperature error is also not linear, but increases the higher you set the temperature. Hence, this product is unusable for its intended purpose.

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菊水さんは、こう言う生活密着エコなことをしてくれるので楽しいです。だからといって地酒らしさ、菊水らしさは損わないし。 「白」は初めて頂きましたが、飲みやすいですね。クセもなくて。デイリーで頂くのにちょうどいいです。パッケージと合ってますね。 ただ、注ぎ口が正面から押すのでなく上からなので、慣れないとやりにくいです。 たくさん飲んで、慣れてしまえばいいんですけどね。
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ちきちきぶん 5

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Caligula 3

ふなっ爺 4
商品説明に書いてある「厚くて硬い鋳鉄のベース」!? ウソです。商品写真の通りアルミですね。アルマイトもかかっていない1000系アルミ。レバーと支柱はステンレス。各パーツは金属切りっぱなしのため見た目の品質が良くないので一回バラシて研磨して塗装するなど、DIYして各自でグレードアップすべきだろう。 ドリルをチャックした時に先端のブレは皆無。これは優秀と言える。一応、ベアリング軸受なので当然か。チャック径はφ1.5~φ10と書いてあるがもっと細くても行ける。φ0.3でも問題なし。ドリル先端から支柱のフランジまで奥行きは57mm。台座に何か1段敷いて底上げすればドリル先端から支柱までは64mmだった。したがって材料の端から遠い位置の穴あけは注意してほしい。小物専用で垂直に穴あけしたい場合の限定マシンと言える。トルクは意外とある。まぁ、仕上げの悪さと中華製であることを考えると¥7700は高い。max¥5000が妥当だと思う。

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